There are many things that are increasingly becoming lost arts—writing letters, figuring out a tip without a calculator, darning socks, making mixed tapes…Another thing I have noticed when I watch TV is that gentleness and civility seems to have gone out the door. When I watch any incarnation of ‘The Real Housewives” franchise, for example, a lot of the show is spent with the housewives yelling at each other and creating drama where none appears to exist. I know that the drama gets the ratings, but whatever happened to treating others with gentleness and compassion? Instead of pitching a fit, can’t one of the housewives take a deep breath, calm down and try to treat their “frenemy” with just a little kindness?
May’s theme is “gentleness,” and Ralph Sockman’s quote nicely sums up what has happened here at Fresh Start in the last few weeks. The Lincoln community has proven its strength and come together to help Fresh Start continue its mission of serving women in Lincoln. May 9th was the Garden Party and as you can see from our Facebook page, it was a great event! The Darryl White Group played, there were awesome light refreshments and raffle prizes, the Daisy had garden-themed items for sale and dozens of plants from local merchants were sold, all to benefit Fresh Start. Talent+ provided the perfect backdrop for guests to observe the Lincoln skyline as they enjoyed the refreshments and live music.
In May was Give to Lincoln Day, and dozens of Fresh Start supporters gave online to Fresh Start. We raised over $5,500, which was well over our $4,500 goal! The funds raised on that day will pay for services for one woman to stay for four months at the shelter. While she is there, she has access to local services which allow her to recognize and utilize her strengths to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency.
In some ways society can seem very callous. Tight budgets lead to diminished services and non-profits pick up a lot of the slack for the homeless population. We here in Lincoln are very fortunate to have a place such as Fresh Start that gives women a safe place where they can thrive. They are empowered through gentle nurturing to gain the skills they need to secure employment, housing and get back on their feet.
Instead of creating drama, Fresh Start brings gentleness, civility and compassion to the lives of women in Lincoln so that they can become stronger. Our thanks to the staff, volunteers and donors who make our mission possible every day!